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Shiva Vishnu Bhujanga Prayata stotram
Adhi Shankara reached his mother’s death bed before she died. He wanted to help her get salvation. So he composed a great stotra called “Shiva Bhujanga prayata Stotra” in praise of Lord Shiva. As soon as it was completed, the servants of Lord Shiva came to take Shankara’s mother to heaven.
Galadhana gandam, milath brunga shandam,
Chalacharu shundam jagath thrana soundam,
Lasad danthakandam vipad banga chandam,
Shiva prema pindam, bhaje vakrathundam. 1
I pray the one tusked God who is the darling of Lord Shiva,
Whose cheeks are drenched by water of exuberance,
Who is surrounded by the flying crowd of bees,
Who has a trunk which is waved with slowness,
Who is capable of protecting the entire world,
Who has thick, long ,shining tusks,
And who is capable of saving us from danger.
Anadyanthamadhyam, param thathwamartham,
Chidakaramekam, thurreyam thwameyam,
Haribrahma mrugyam, Parabrahma roopam,
Mano vagatheetham maha shaivameede. 2
I meditate on that great light called Shaiva,
Which has no beginning nor end,
Which is the real meaning of philosophy,
Which is the only one form of holy knowledge,
Which is thureeya, the blissful fourth state,
Which is the unknown which was,
Searched by Lord Brahma and Vishnu,
And which is the form of ultimate truth.
Swashakthyadhi shakthyantha simhasanastham,
Mano hari sarvanga rathnabhi bhoosham,
Jataheendugangastha sasyarka moulim,
Param shakthi mithram nama pancha vakthram. 3
I salute that God with five faces,
Who sits on the throne of Adhishakthi,
Using his own strength,
Who wears mind stealing ornaments,
Made of jewels all over his body,
Who wears mated locks , snake ,
Moon and the river Ganga on his head,
Who has moon and sun as his eyes,
Who is the eternal god,
And who has always with him Shakthi as consort.
Shivesana that purusha ghora vamadhi,
Bhirbrahmabhirhrunmukhai shadbirangai,
Anoupamyashatthrimsakam thathwavidhya,
Mathetham paranthwam kadham vethi ko vaa. 4
How any one can know you by any means,
Who is with Brahmas like Shiva , Ishana,
Thathpurusha , Aghora and Vama,
Who has parts like the Hrudaya*,
And who is beyond the unequal ,
Thirty six principles that stand out.
Pravala pravaha prabha sonamardham,
Maruthanmni sreemaha syamamardham,
Gunasyuthamekam vapusaivamantha,
Smarami smarapathi sampathi hethum, 5
I meditate on that Shiva who is ,
The reason for pleasures and pain,
Who has half his body red as coral,
And the other half as blue as Topaz*,
Who is the mixture of properties,
And who is the reason for the rise,
And fall of the God of love.
*He is the combination of Shiva(red) and Shakthi(bluish black)
Swa seva samayatha deva surendra,
Naman mouli mandara malabhishiktham,
Namasyami shambho padambhoruham they,
Bhavambhodhipotha, bhavani vibhavyam. 6
I salute your lotus like feet,
Which is being decorated by,
Garlands of flowers by the,
Devas and Indra who come to salute it,
Which is the boat which makes us,
Cross the ocean of life,
And which is but proper to be fondled by Parvathi.
Jagannatha mannadha Gowreesa nadha,
Prapannukampin vipannarthi harin,
Mahasthoma murthe samasthaika bandho,
Namasthe namasthe, punasthe namasthe. 7
Hey, lord of Universe, Hey my lord,
Hey, lord of the Goddess Gauri,
Hey, lord who has mercy towards to his devotees,
Hey, lord who destroys sorrows,
Hey, lord who has a body which is group of lights,
Hey, lord who is the relative of all,
Salutation, salutations and again salutations.
Mahadeva devesa devadhi deva,
Smarare purare yamare harethi,
Broovana smarishyami bhakthya bhavantham,
Thatho may dayasheela deva praseedha. 8
Hey great God, Hey, lord of gods, Hey God of gods,
I always remember you with great devotion,
As the one who is beyond thought, and as the one who destroyed cities,
As the one who killed Yama* and as the one who is the destroyer,
So Hey, great God of mercy, be pleased with me.
* God of death
Viroopaksha viswesa vidhyadhi kesa,
Thrayi moola shambho shiva trayambaka thwam,
Praseedha smara thrahi pasyavapushya,
Kshamaswapnuheethi kshapahi ksipama. 9
Hey ,God with a different eye,
Hey ,God who is the lord of universe,
Hey, God who is the God of knowledge,
Hey ,God who is the cause of three Vedas,
Hey, lord Shiva, Hey, lord Thrayambaka,
I have few requests to you,
Be pleased with me , remember me, and take care of me,
See me with your three eyes, Save me, look after me,
Pardon all my mistakes, and come before me.
Thwadanya saranya prapannasya nethi ,
Praseedha smaran neva hanyasthu dainyam,
Na chethe bhaved bhaktha vathsalya hani,
Sthatho may dayalo dayam sandhidehi. 10
There is none who is more kind to your devotees than you,
And so be kind to me ,who has sought your blessings,
Otherwise it may be thought that you do not love your devotees,
And so oh, god of mercy, show kindness to me without any doubt.
Ayam Danakalasthwaham danapathram,
Bhvannadha datha thwadanyam nay yache,
Bhavath bhakthimeva sthiram dehi mahyam,
Krupaseela shambho kruthorthosmi thasmad. 11
This is the proper time for giving
And I am the vessel for receiving,
And so god become the giver
And I do not ask you anything else,
But give me devotion towards you which is stable,
And God who is merciful by nature,
Show me your kindness to me.
Pasum vethsi chethmaam thwadevadhirooda,
Kalangeethi vaa moordhni dathse thwameva,
Dwijihwa punassopi may kanda bhoosha,
Thwadangeekrutha ssarva sarvepi dhanya. 12
Suppose you consider me as a bull, climb on me,
Suppose you consider me as blemished,
Wear me on your head as moon,
Suppose you consider me as a two tounged liar,
Wear me on your neck as the two tounged serpent,
And in whatever way you give me recognition,
I would be satisfied always and by all means.
Na saknomi karthum para droha lesam,
Kadham preeyase thwam na janey gireesa,
Thadhahi prasannosi kasyapi kantha,
Sutha drohino vaa pithru drohino vaa. 13
Oh Lord I do not know how to trouble others,
Hey, lord of the mountain , I do not ,
Know how to please you,
Otherwise how did you, the lord of Kasi,
Become pleased with, the one who
Troubled his wife and son,
And another who troubled his father.
Sthuthim dhyanamarcham yadavad dwidathum,
Bajannapya janan mahesavalambhe,
Thrasantham sutham thrathumagre mrukanda,
Arya prana nirvapanam thwad padambujam. 14
Without knowing how to sing your praise,
Nor knowing how to meditate on you,
Nor knowing the procedures of your worship,
I salute with intense devotion your lotus like feet,
Which killed the God of death for,
Protecting Markandeya who was terribly scared.
Akande kalangadannge bhujanga,
Dapanou kapaladhaphale analakshad,
Amoulou sasanga davamay kalathra,
Daham devamanyam na manye na manye. 15
I wont and wont pray, any other god ,
Who does not have discoloured neck,
Who does not wear a serpent as ornament,
Who does not have a skull in his hand,
Who does not have an eye on his forehead,
And who does not have his wife on his left side.
But she was terrified to see them, because they wore the dresses of forest and dressed in tiger skin with belts of snakes. Understanding her problem, Shankara humbly requested servants of Lord Shiva to go back and composed the prayer "Vishnu Bhujanga Prayata Stotram". Once he recited it, servants of Lord Vishnu, who had polished God like looks came to accompany Shankara’s mother to heaven. She was extremely pleased to go with them.
Chidamsam vibhum nirmalam nirvikalpam,
Nireeham nirakaramongara gamyam,
Gunatheetha mavyakthamekam thureeyam,
Param brahma yam Veda thasmai namosthu., 1
Salutations to that God who is called that which is beyond Brahmam by Vedas,
Who is the Lord of the animated principle of life, who is clarity, who never dies,
Who does not have desire,who does not have form,who is known in “Om”,
Who is beyond three qualities, who is not clear, who is one and who is thureeya*
Who is the Lord of the animated principle of life, who is clarity, who never dies,
Who does not have desire,who does not have form,who is known in “Om”,
Who is beyond three qualities, who is not clear, who is one and who is thureeya*
Vishuddham shivam santham adhyandha heenam,
Jagajjevanam jyothir ananda roopam,
Adhigdesakala vyavachadaneeyam,
Thrayeevakthi yam veda thasmai namosthu., 2
My salutations to him who is told as trinity by Vedas,
Who is pure, who is peaceful, who is patient,
Who does not have beginning or end,
And whose limits cannot be fixed by stature or time.
Who is pure, who is peaceful, who is patient,
Who does not have beginning or end,
And whose limits cannot be fixed by stature or time.
Samanodhithaneka suryendu koti,
Prabha poora thulya dyuthim durnireeksham,
Na seetham na cha ushnam suvarnavadatham,
Prasannam sadananda samvith swaroopam., 3
He has the form having the dazzling light,
Of billions of moon and sun all rising together,
Which is difficult to be seen by the eye,
Having no heat nor cold and as pretty as gold,
And is always happy and pleased .
Of billions of moon and sun all rising together,
Which is difficult to be seen by the eye,
Having no heat nor cold and as pretty as gold,
And is always happy and pleased .
Sunasaputam sundarabrulalatam,
Kireetochithakunchitha snigdha kesam,
Spurathpundareekabhi ramayathaksham,
Samuthphulla raktha prasoonavathamsam., 4
He has very pretty nose and eyelids,
He has very wide and pretty forehead,
He has curled hair over which there is a crown,
He has eyes as pretty as the petals of lotus,
And wears the red hibiscus flower as ornament.
He has very wide and pretty forehead,
He has curled hair over which there is a crown,
He has eyes as pretty as the petals of lotus,
And wears the red hibiscus flower as ornament.
Sphurathath kundala mrushta ganda sthalantham,
Japarogachoradharam charu hasam,
Aali vyakula modha mandhara malam,
Mahora sphurath kousthubhodhara haram., 5
His shining ear drops dash against his pretty neck,
His red hibiscus coloured lips open for a pretty smile,
He attracts the bees because of the flower garland he wears,
And his chest shines because of garland and kousthuba gem.
His red hibiscus coloured lips open for a pretty smile,
He attracts the bees because of the flower garland he wears,
And his chest shines because of garland and kousthuba gem.
Surathnanga dwairanvitham bahu dandai,
Chathurbhischalath kanakanalankruthagrai,
Udharodharankrutham peetha vasthram,
Pada dwandwa nirdhootha padmabhiramam., 6
He wears armlets made of pretty gems on his arms,
He decorates his four arms by wearing golden bangles,
He ties yellow silk cloth over his stomach,
And his two feet are able to defeat the pretty lotus.
He decorates his four arms by wearing golden bangles,
He ties yellow silk cloth over his stomach,
And his two feet are able to defeat the pretty lotus.
Swabhaktheshu sandarithakaramevam,
Sada bhvayan sannirudhendriyaswa,
Durapam naro yathi samsara param,
Parasmai thamobhyopi thasmai namasthe., 7
He appears thus to all his devotees,
And he who meditates on this form,
Controlling all his five sense organs,
Easily crosses the difficult to cross sea of life,
And my salutations to him who dispels darkness.
And he who meditates on this form,
Controlling all his five sense organs,
Easily crosses the difficult to cross sea of life,
And my salutations to him who dispels darkness.
Sriya satha kumbha dhyuthi snigdha kanthya,
Daranya cha doorva dala shyamalangya,
Kalathra dwayenamuna thoshithaya,
Triloki grahasthaya Vishno namasthe., 8
My salutations to Vishnu, the householder of three worlds,
Who leads a very satisfying life with his two wives,
One of them is Lakshmi who shines like gold and has slender waist,
And the other is Bhoomi Devi with the black colour of the Dhoorva grass.
Who leads a very satisfying life with his two wives,
One of them is Lakshmi who shines like gold and has slender waist,
And the other is Bhoomi Devi with the black colour of the Dhoorva grass.
Sareeram kalathram sutham bandhu vargam,
Vayasyan dhanam sathma bruthyam bhuvam cha,
Samastham parithyajya ha kashtameka,
Gamishyami dukhena dhooram kilaham., 9
I have traveled a long way with sorrow,
In search of you, after forsaking,
Body, wife, sons,relatives,
Friends, wealth land and servants.
In search of you, after forsaking,
Body, wife, sons,relatives,
Friends, wealth land and servants.
Jareyam pisacheeva ha jeevitho may,
Mrujam asthi raktham cha mamsam balam cha,
Aho deva seedhami deenanukampin,
Kimadhyapi hantha thwayodh basithavyam., 10
The old age is attacking me like a devil,
And destroys my blood, bones, flesh and strength,
And Hey God, who is merciful to the oppressed,
How come you seem to be not bothered at all?
And destroys my blood, bones, flesh and strength,
And Hey God, who is merciful to the oppressed,
How come you seem to be not bothered at all?
Kapha vyahathoshnathbana swasa vega,
Vyadha vispurath sarvamarmasthibandham,
Vichinthyahamanthyam asahyam avastham,
Bibhemi prabho kim karomi praseedha., 11
I am scared thinking about those,
intolerable state of death,
When I would be troubled by Phlegm, heavy breathing,
Pain in all bone joints and so,
Be pleased to tell me what I should do?
intolerable state of death,
When I would be troubled by Phlegm, heavy breathing,
Pain in all bone joints and so,
Be pleased to tell me what I should do?
Lapannachythananda Govinda Vishno,
Murare hare Rama Narayanethi,
Yadha anusmarishyami bhakthya bhavantham,
Thadha may daya sheela, deva praseedha., 12
I cry,hey limitless one, Hey Govinda, Hey Vishnu,
Hey killer of Mura,Hey Hari, Hey Rama, Hey Narayana,
And think about you with devotion,
And so Oh merciful one, be pleased with me.
Hey killer of Mura,Hey Hari, Hey Rama, Hey Narayana,
And think about you with devotion,
And so Oh merciful one, be pleased with me.
Krupalo hare kesavasesha hetho,
Jagannadha narayananda Vishno,
Namasthubhym ithyalapantham mudha maam,
Kuru sripathe thwad padambhoja bhaktham., 13
Hey merciful one, Hey Hari, Hey Kesava,
Hey cause of everything, Hey Lord of universe,
Hey Narayana, Hey Vishnu, Hey happiness,
I cry like this saluting you and so,
Please make me devotee of your lotus feet.
Hey cause of everything, Hey Lord of universe,
Hey Narayana, Hey Vishnu, Hey happiness,
I cry like this saluting you and so,
Please make me devotee of your lotus feet.
Namo Vishnave Vasudevaya thubhyam,
Namo Narasimha swaroopaya thubhyam,
Nama kala roopaya samhara karthre,
Namasthe varahaya bhooyo namasthe., 14
Salutations to Vishnu who is Vasudeva,
Salutations to him who took the form of man lion,
Salutations to him who destroys in the form of Kala,
Salutations and salutations to him who is a boar.
Salutations to him who took the form of man lion,
Salutations to him who destroys in the form of Kala,
Salutations and salutations to him who is a boar.
Namasthe Jagannata Vishno, Namasthe,
Namasthe Gadha chakrapane namasthe,
Namasthe prapannarthiharin namasthe,
Samasthaparadham Kshamaswakhilesa., 15
Salutations and salutations to Vishnu who is lord of universe,
Salutations and salutations to him who carries a mace and a wheel,
Salutations and salutations to him who destroys sorrows of his devotees,
And Oh Lord of everything,be pleased to pardon all my lapses.
Salutations and salutations to him who carries a mace and a wheel,
Salutations and salutations to him who destroys sorrows of his devotees,
And Oh Lord of everything,be pleased to pardon all my lapses.
Mukhe mandahasam, nakhe chandrabhasam,
Kare charu chakram, suresadhi vandhyam,
Bhujange sayanam, bhaje Padmanabham,
Harenanya daivam na manye na manye., 16
I salute the God with lotus flower on his belly Who has a smile in the face and the shine of moon in nails,
Who holds pretty Chakra in the hand and Who is being saluted by devas and who sleeps on a serpent,
And again and again affirm that there is no God except Hari.
Who holds pretty Chakra in the hand and Who is being saluted by devas and who sleeps on a serpent,
And again and again affirm that there is no God except Hari.
Bhujanga prayatham padedhyasthu bhakthya,
Samadaya chithe bhavantham murare,
Sa moham vihayasu yushmath prasadath,
Samasrithya yogam vrajathyachyuthathwam., 17
Hey killer of Mura that devote who reads this prayer,
With a calm mind,would due to your grace,
Get rid of passions and attain yogic excellence,
With a calm mind,would due to your grace,
Get rid of passions and attain yogic excellence,
And later attain that indestructible after life with you.
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- Temple Dance in Thanjavur-1000 Bharatnatyam Dancers (1)
- Thiruvidaimaruthur (1)
- thrissur (1)
- Time (1)
- Tiruvottiyur (1)
- Totakashtakam (1)
- tv's Channel (1)
- UbhayaBharati (1)
- uday (1)
- Universe (1)
- Unravelled (1)
- unreal (1)
- Untouchable (1)
- utterly (1)
- Vaitheeswaran (1)
- Vandan (1)
- vasana (1)
- Vasistha (1)
- Ved Vyas (1)
- VedantaBharati (1)
- vedavms (1)
- VedicCulture (1)
- Vidya (1)
- vidyashankara (1)
- Vijaya (1)
- vikrajapan (1)
- Who Spread Shankara Message World Wide (1)
- Without (1)
- Works (1)
- Yatra (1)
- Zero Soul = Infinite Spirit = One Supreme (1)
- Zodiac (1)